Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving On...

Well, it has been a while since I updated this blog and there are many reasons just to say that I wasn't motivated enough to write anything lately. Some personal issues as well as another job change associated with a short vacation contributed to the delay but the good part is that I'm back and really happy with how the year is shaping up. 

It seems to be that all personal stuff is sorted out and I also have decided to join Kaazing as a Solutions Architect. Kaazing is the first Enterprise-grade Web Communications Platform leveraging HTML5 WebSockets designed for real-time, massive scalability and providing reliability necessary for companies to deploy those kind of solutions over the web.

If you're not familiar with HTML5 and WebSockets and I'd recommend you to take a look on the following presentation available at

Stay tuned for more...

Setting Up Local Environment for Developing Oracle Intelligent Bots Custom Components

Oh the joy of having a local development environment is priceless. For most cloud based solutions the story repeats itself being hard to tr...