Monday, October 12, 2015

Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse and Mobile Cloud Service APIs

There is a recent uploaded Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) tutorial that walks you through the process of connecting Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) to the MCS APIs.

There are 6 steps involved on this tutorial and you will:
  • Start Eclipse and configure it to work with Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF)
  • Create a new mobile application, a new feature and a page to hold data
  • Connect the MAF-based application to an MCS instance
  • Generate the Java classes to support the exposed MCS REST API
  • Develop a new page by adding data and security settings
  • Package, deploy and test the application


Setting Up Local Environment for Developing Oracle Intelligent Bots Custom Components

Oh the joy of having a local development environment is priceless. For most cloud based solutions the story repeats itself being hard to tr...